This morning I started the day of writing more than six A4 pages straight. I simply couldn’t stop writing. Then I realized that today is the 19th of January, and I just wanted to scream out loud: “Martin Luther King… I have a dream too!”
There is this vision in my head of a world where EVERYONE feels embraced, feels loved and feels worthy. What if everyone started to embrace a few more people so a few more people would feel embraced and they yet did the same . . . Could you create a real movement – a chain reaction? And would it feel so good that people would continue doing it! As honestly embracing doesn’t just feel good for the one you are giving the embracement but also for yourself! And the great thing is that to embrace you don’t even factually need to touch. It actually “travels” really well. I felt embraced many times in the past few months by emails that were sent to me. A real heart-warming experience . . .
Now I wouldn’t go so far as to call the world a “cold” place. Yet even though we have “global warming” the people’s hearts don’t seem to be much warmer? The individual has become more important that the community in many respects. “Live your life the way you want” might be tolerant but perhaps tolerance is not enough. We need more than that.
That’s why the word “Embrace” keeps coming back to me. Will the majority of the world be willing to embrace the concept of embracing?
To feel embraced . . .
Is it more than to feel accepted?
Is it different than to feel loved?
Yes, I think so.
Love is such a complex thing – such a huge feeling.
To feel embraced is easier but it spans further?
I wouldn’t love a stranger. Yet, I can make a stranger feel embraced even if it is just for a moment. Sometimes, that may be all it takes, for someone, to change something in their lives, for the better . . .
Time to wake up my kids gently, for them to prepare to go to school, of course with an embrace. A heart-warming wake-up call is the best way to start any day :-)