Browsing my way through sites on Minimalism, Simplifying and Mindfulness. Yet I haven’t quite found what I am looking for.
None of the above concepts fully embrace me. I am a so called “Maximizer” (Gallup strength finder)
What is the opposite of minimalist?
- Traditionalist (mmm odd?)
- Maximalist (and some unclear opinions if this word even exists)
- In your face
- Over the top
- Baroque
- Profligate (need to look that up…)
- Have an all-out attitude towards solving problems
- Flamboyant
Antonyms of minimalist:
- Embellished = Make beautiful / decorate
- Lavish = Splendid / profuse
- Ornate = Fancily decorated
- Outlandish = Bizarre / Strange
I sure do love the word outlandish!
Synonyms of outlandish:
- Unconventional
- Far – out
- Fantastic
- Odd
- Grotesque
- Extravagant
On my journey through the English dictionary I also find: Generous, grand, opulent, fancy, elegant, rococo, offbeat, oddball, curious, eccentric, bizarre, unusual, erratic, quirky, funky, crazy, foreign, from another country/experience…I like all these words! They make me think of Oscar Wilde :-)
And I realize that in some cases less = more and in other cases more = more. And I keep thinking about Embrace. Is “Embrace” a concept? Will people get it or is it too vague? Too broad? People like concepts. I like concepts. Because they make things less complex. More “greifbar” = more tangible. More earthy I guess.
If Embrace is not yet a concept, a life philosophy can I make it one?