In Germany, there is this cute tradition to give children a so-called “Adventskalender”. It contains 24 little gifts that they can unwrap from Dec 1st all the way up to Dec 24th – so all the way up to Christmas Eve. My husband made me one the first year we met, and that memory is still very present today. He put so much love into it.
Today is Dec 1st, and I have all the presents, yet I still need to wrap them. Terrible late this year. And while I get started I realize my hands are shaking so badly that I cannot wrap the gifts. It just wasn’t physically possible. That was the point I decided I need some help.
So I called the doctors, and she told me to come right over. It’s a nice little walk, and the fresh air already felt good. By the time she was ready to see me, I felt a lot more calm. I gave her a quick run through my life, and she checked my blood pressure. Sometimes data just says it all. My diastolic was over 100. I had no idea what that meant, but clearly it was not good.
She talked about the differences between Systolic and Diastolic, and all I could think of is how odd it was that I felt so calm and yet my body was in hyperactive mode. I was confident though I would be ok soon again. She gave me a recipe for beta-blockers and explained that many entertainers take those before they get on stage. They only affect the body and un-tense it yet don’t affect the brain. That sounded exactly like what I needed :-)
So I went home and felt a lot better already and managed to wrap all the presents.
P.S. There are times when you look backwards, and you see the pieces fall together. I am writing the first few months of this blog by going back in time.
It all starts with a series of events that caused me to do some serious thinking about my personal life and my personal contributions. To warn you the first two months of this blog journey, it is all about me… It is my personal story, and I will not at all be offended if you don’t care :-)
It took me two months to formulated my long term goals and yet another month to understand what I want to bring to this world.