Warm fuzzies was not a term I was familiar with and on my search for a German translation I read in the urban dictionary: “It’s like a hug without touching that makes you melt & feel warm feelings inside & out.
There you go, no wonder I embraced this concept right away :-)
So now I am really intrigued by the idea of warm fuzzies but where do you get those little colourful and warm balls?
Youtube suggest you can make them yourself – mmm – I think we called those pompoms when I was a kid. And yes there you go, pompoms it is and surely those are warm and fuzzy.
At this point I was so enthusiastic about warm fuzzies that I needed to make some. And my daughter is always in for everything crafty so the two of us ended up making a whole bunch of them and my carnival costume for the afternoon was born:
Today I am going to be a warm fuzzy freak.