26 days — 26 learnings: Part three of looking back & looking beyond.
My word for today is:
Are you comfortable enough with yourself, to get out of your comfort zone? Do the people you’re surrounded with, give you the support and the love that we all need, to dare do things, you’re slightly uncomfortable doing?
I believe this is an important question to ask oneself. We all need someone that believes in us. It makes it so much easier to press on when things are tough.
So right here, right now I would like to call out a huge huge THANK YOU. To all those people around me, who allow me to grow.
I wish everyone, from the bottom of my heart, to feel embraced. Somewhere along the way, I picked up these words:
You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you.
As a new year starts, it might be good to reflect on those words.
Sometimes, it isn’t ourselves, we need to change. It might just be a question of finding that person that accepts us just the way we are. With all our flaws, our peculiarities, and our uniqueness.
My third learning:
A big part of courage is external. We grow when we are comfortable enough to test the edges of our comfort zone.
My take away for 2018: Spend time with people who give you wings and just as importantly be someone who gives other people wings.
If there’s anything that springs from your mind, you’d warm my heart, if you leave a comment. Thank you ❤︎ and happy New Year! 🍀