26 days — 26 learnings: Part five of looking back & looking beyond.
My word for today is:
The core substance. The heart of things. The quintessence.
For me, the essence of life is to embrace.
A few years ago, I read The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt.
Somewhere at the start of the book, it said:
Analects of Confucius:
Zigong asked: “Is there any single word that could guide one’s entire life”?
When the sages pick a single word or principle to elevate above all others, the winner is almost always either “love” or “reciprocity.” The bond that ties us together. Reciprocity is a deep instinct; it is the basic currency of social life.
I’d argue embrace is the best possible combination of these two words.
More earthy than love and yet less „an eye for an eye“ than reciprocity.
This word guides my life. It gives me direction.
It’s less about understanding how to live.
It’s more about giving each other a reason to be.
A big warm embrace for anyone who read this. Maybe we know each other, maybe we don’t. In either case, I’m honored you’re taking the time to read my thoughts.
My fifth learning:
It’s comforting, bracing and energizing to know oneself and how one wants to live.
My take away for 2018: What feels that good, cannot be wrong. Let it keep guiding you.