26 days — 26 learnings: Part seven of looking back & looking beyond.
My word for today is:
Close your eyes
Take a deep breath
Imagine a land, far away
Picture a bird
A bird, so large, no tree — not even a forest, can hide it
So colorful, the rainbow becomes shy
And her eyes
They are deep
Deeper than the deepest ocean
Yet they are dry
She can not cry
She can not speak
No words come
Since years
Her name is Najana
She is a character in my story
A grainbowruru
The only grainbowruru that is left
She is one of kind
She’s alone, and yet
she is not.
My seventh learning:
Writers, become writers, when they write
My take away for 2018: Write, write, write, as if your life depends on it. Go deeper, go further, let it all out. Let it come to bloom. Let your voice speak. Let your words come to life.